Wednesday 31 October 2012

A Runt's Rant: Welcome to Life, Kid

To rant or not to rant?

That has never been an actual question, really.

If you do not rant, no- one sees you as a runt and that is quite dangerous nowadays.

Because, let’s face it, if you are not a runt, you are either a mutt or a puppy; former gets chucked, latter gets eaten.

So here we are, first rant of the week:

You have only recently graduated from university only to be told that you are overqualified for most jobs and not qualified enough for the remainder.

You suddenly get this warm fuzzy feeling on the inside, the same one you used to get when your college girlfriend stabbed you in the back and twisted the knife until she drew a smiley face into your back.

But that’s alright because:

a) wounds heal in time; and
b) you didn't like her anyway; and
c) people smile back behind your back (see what I did there?).

All you have to do in order to get that temp job as a waiter/ bartender/ leaflet distributor is to numb down your ambitions, take your university diploma off your CV and pretend that you are about five times dumber than you actually are.

I mean, after all, that’s why you paid £ 10,000 for your education in the first place, right?

Ah, well...

To Hell with it all!